On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 12:28:59 +0200 Bernhard R. Link wrote:

> * Anthony W. Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080824 00:31]:
> > You want the software to be BSD-Free.
> No, I want things to be free. BSD free is free and also gives the right
> to make it non-free. GPLv2 is free and ensures it stays free (copyleft).
> AGPL is non-free and GPLv3 is free but forbids to make it copyleft
> (as it forbids to remove to right to make it non-free by combining with
> AGPL).

I agree.

> > The AGPL is GNU-Free. There's a difference.
> No, it is "Microsoft-Free": you are allowed some things somebody
> considers you are allowed but forbids other things.
> > The whole point of the AGPL is keep software GNU-Free and close a
> > loophole where the web allows public use of GPL software but allows a
> > modifier to keep the modifications private.
> It might be some point in it, but if it does so by starting to make it
> non-free, then the try to protect the freedom is lost before started.

That's exactly what I think.

> > From what you've said, it sounds like you don't think the GPL is free,
> > because modifying GPL software means you can't run it without fulfilling
> > certain restrictions (namely "you're not allowed to share just the
> > binaries").

No, "sharing binaries" is not "running" the software: "sharing
binaries" is a form of distribution that is not allowed by the GPL,
unless source is also made available in certain ways.

The key difference is that the GPL does not in any way restrict the
*use* of a *modified* or *unmodified* work.  The AfferoGPL restricts the
*use* of a *modified* work. 

> No, there is an very important difference. The GPL ensures that everyone
> is allowed all the things they would be if there was no license at all.
> And when people make modified variants, it stays this way.
> What AGPL does, is trying to limit how a program is allowed to run. That
> is an very important difference.

Yes, this is basically another way to express what I stated above, so I

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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