Dear fellas who know much more about licensing than me.

I might have even asked before (since we are in a similar situation with
PyMVPA/shogun) but forgot what was the summary:

If we have a library X in Python, released under some GPL-compatible
license (e.g. BSD-3 or Expat) and then using (optionally) some GPL code
(at run time) provided by another library Y -- what are the implications?
Am I wrong on any of the following statements

- the project X codebase doesn't have to be relicensed to GPL
- the project X can use project Y (since under GPL compatible license)

- It is only at 'run time' when actual linking to the library Y happens,
  so project must comply with GPL but whose responsibility it is then
  and what needs to be enforced?

  - original distributor of X must have provided all the sources with
    modifications?  But it was user's decision to use GPL'ed library

  - or user must somehow make sure he has the sources... (sounds

- is mere ability to be used with GPL licensed library Y makes
  distributors of code of X required to comply with GPL? (e.g. provide
  modified sources)

Thanks in advance for your feedback

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
Research Scientist,            Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419

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