On Sep 9, 2008, at 7:30 AM, Stephen Allen wrote:

On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 09:17:55AM +0100, Nicholas Helps wrote:

Hello Stephen (and everyone else),

Howdy Nicholas,

Being polite this time ;-)

Glad the step by step worked. Please make sure you acknowledge Rick as well, without this help, I would never have gotten my install working either.... The list works!

Absolutely. I believe he has some additions for the SxS as well.

Having read the other posts about the expert installer setting, I would add that in my experience setting the installer to expert did not allow me to avoid the installer trying to install quik. On older versions (eg Woody) even without putting the installer in expert mode one could stop this (and the install manual explained how). With Etch, the installer just pushed ahead regardless of what I tried to do to stop it. Fortunately, since quik does not work with ext3 file systems, it aborted.

I consider this a bug. Perhaps I should file one then ? What's the best way to do this;
reportbug ? Rick perhaps you can chime in here ...

I consider it a bug too! The "expert mode" hack allowed me to skip the "install quik" step, as I described in my previous email, but it didn't do any good; the object of skipping it was to allow OS9 to boot cleanly, but as reported, it's still necessary to do the "refresh the disk drivers" trick with the OS9 install disk.

I was using Lenny beta2, and your tests were with Etch, if I remember. Maybe the "barge forward and install the boot loader, even in expert mode" mis-feature got dropped somewhere in-between?

I'm planning to do some experiments to see just where the boot info gets clobbered -- when I get some time... (Sigh!)

Hope you enjoy your new system. I have found Debian to run extremely well on these systems.

Yes it is quite a bit snappier then MacOS X, and my SCSI Agfa scanner, "just works". Xsane
autoconfigured it !

That's good news. I have tried to get xorg and gnome running on my test machine, but it seems that the video chip it has isn't very well supported. I need to open a bug report on the subject.

S.D.Allen - Toronto



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