El Diumenge, 12 de juliol de 2015, a les 11:56:22, Lisandro Damián Nicanor 
Pérez Meyer va escriure:
> I have just found out that running qtconfig-qt4 and selecting "Desktop
> theme", saving and restarting it will make it use Breeze theme on Plasma 5.
> If the kde4 plugin gets in QT_PLUGIN_PATH then it's also showed in qtconfig-
> qt4, but I higly doubt that's sensible enough.
> Maybe what we are missing is a way to select qt4's theming from inside
> Plasma 5 itself.

I think this issue is related to this upstream bug:


Also you can see the Fedora related bug report:


You can fix editing the startkde script and commenting the lines 221, 223 and 

Then if you want that Qt4 applications uses KDE4 styles under Plasma 5 you can 
write a Plasma 5 startup script under ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env.
For example I created one called qt4pluginpath.sh with this content.


export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-

After that and login back to Plasma 5, the Qt4 applications can use for 
example the Breeze style.

Best regards,


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