* Vladislav Vorobiev wrote:

> ich habe syslog.0 gelöscht und dann wieder erstellt. Es wir nichts
> mehr rein geschrieben.

"Rein geschrieben" wird in /var/log/syslog.

$ ls -l /var/log | grep syslog
-rw-r-----  1 root        adm     11876056 2006-10-29 16:00 syslog
-rw-r-----  1 root        adm       713417 2005-07-09 06:30 syslog.0
                                           ^^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^
,----[ http://www.skolelinux.no/~klaus/sarge/x4054.html ]
| If /var/log suddenly becomes 100% full, then you can either resize it,
| according to resize of vg_system/lv_var, or if you are in a hurry,
| delete some old logfiles. Look for files in /var/log with the a numeric
| extension, like syslog.0, these files can be deleted, of course any
| information they might contain will be lost.


                  (o_      Christian  Hoeller (aka zy3)
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