Hunter H Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tim Sailer wrote:
> > 
> > They want to be able
> > to configure 1 machine and mirror the setup to each machine 
> See if the recent aricle in Linux Journal might be
> of help. The article concerned the use of 160
> Alpha Linux boxes for graphics rendering. I belive
> it was the Jan '98 issue.

Look at
They provided a master disk to the manufacturer who copied it to all
of the other machines. A script changed all the needed values (IP,
Hostname, etc.).

With debian you can use, dpkg --get-selections, dpkg --set-selections
and installation via ftp. A problem is, that you can`t leave the
installation process unattended, because you have to answer some
questions e.g. about precedence of mime applications or setup for x11.

AFIAK the new installation program will address this issue (questions
asked first, then installation, automatic setup for farms --- it`s
expected to come with Debian 2.1).

At the moment, copying the disks seems to be the best solution. 


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