On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Tim Sailer wrote:

> Stephen Carpenter wrote:

> > hmmm just a slightly evil thought....
> > anyone tried
> > cat /dev/hda1 > /dev/hdb1
> > assuming hda1 and hdb1 are similar partition sizes and types....

> Tried it... doesnt work.

The correct answer is "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=hdb1 bs=1024".  This doesn't
care what is one the drive, even win 95 (known by experience), and it will
act like a perfect mirror.

The proper thing to do is to nfs export everything on one system, make a
boot disk that can mount the nfs drive, partition/mount the new drive, and
edit any specific info (hostname and ip) all by a simple boot script.
It's way above my head, but when set up right, would be almost as easy to
do 100 as it is to do 5.  I think this is what the titanic team did (in
the lj article).  I don't think they used redhat's easy method.


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