Dear Users and Developers,

for some weeks now we have protected our servers against spam via
the Realtime Backmail List (RBL) provided by the folks from  the
Mail Abuse Protection System <URL:>.

Since we're using Qmail as our Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) relaying
is impossible.

Since last week we're also reacting on spam and reporting abuse
to the abusing party, their provider.  For two days Igor Grobman
has taken over the job as Anti-Spam Manager.  He also informs about spam and relaying.

So if you receive spam through any of Debian's lists and want
to avoid this you should inform [EMAIL PROTECTED] providing _full_



    / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
   / To-Zeilen in öffentlichen Nachrichten ist FidoNet-Technologie /
  / <gröhl>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^ /
 / ... endlich 'mal wieder ein echt gelungener Witz!!!           /
/                                              -- Rainer Scholz /

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