"Richardson,Anthony" wrote (Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:01:00 -0500 ):
|>I'm trying to set up an anonymous ftp server.  Everything seems to be   
|>working except
|>ls or dir.  I copied /bin/ls to /home/ftp/bin/ls and set up permissions   
|>as described in the
|>ftpd man page.  When I type "ls" however I get:
|>   150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
|>  226 Transfer complete.
|>and then nothing.
|>nlist works.
|>Any ideas?  Thanks

Well, and idea, but I'm not sure if it's right or if this is going to
help.  I think that the problem is that /home/ftp/bin/ls depends on
libc.so.?.  Since anonymous ftp sessions run chroot'd to the ~ftp
directory, it can't see the shared library.

I tried making a /home/ftp/lib directory and putting a copy of
libc.so.5 there, but that didn't help.  Is my/our only recourse to
compile a statically-linked version of ls?


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