I'd forgot about the shared library stuff.  I'd expect we'd also need
ld.so in lib and to set up the library cache file in etc.  This doesn't
seem too easy ... Are we missing an easier solution?

Perhaps a statically linked ls is the way to go.


 -----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 8:27 PM
To: Richardson,Anthony
Cc: 'debian-user'
Subject: Re: Setting up Anon FTP?

"Richardson,Anthony" wrote (Wed, 25 Feb 1998 20:01:00 -0500 ):
|>I'm trying to set up an anonymous ftp server.  Everything seems to be   

|>working except
|>ls or dir.  I copied /bin/ls to /home/ftp/bin/ls and set up permissions   

|>as described in the
|>ftpd man page.  When I type "ls" however I get:
|>   150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
|>  226 Transfer complete.
|>and then nothing.
|>nlist works.
|>Any ideas?  Thanks

Well, and idea, but I'm not sure if it's right or if this is going to
help.  I think that the problem is that /home/ftp/bin/ls depends on
libc.so.?.  Since anonymous ftp sessions run chroot'd to the ~ftp
directory, it can't see the shared library.

I tried making a /home/ftp/lib directory and putting a copy of
libc.so.5 there, but that didn't help.  Is my/our only recourse to
compile a statically-linked version of ls?


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