I've been having a look around for general info about X, to get a better feel of
how it all works, and had a look at www.x11.org. They have a comparison of
window managers, and E seems to have more capacity that all the others. Right
now I'm using fvwm95, as it installed directly from the CD, as I'm still to new
to try any configuring yet. I had a good look at E's website, but I take
anything with a grain of salt. I'm interested in trying E, and was just looking
for any experiences, good and bad with E. I was also hoping this would provide a
simpler GUI for my ten year old daughter. There is a link for .debs @
www.debian.org that I was going to try, but I thought I'd get some feedback
first. The basic questions I have are:
1: Most .deb's I've installed went rather well. Sometimes I have to look for
other requirement first. Are there any requirements I should get BEFORE
installing the Enlightenment.deb's?
2: Will E configure as my default WM, or do I have to go and edit something?
3: Is E fairly stable? I know what E says, I'd like some independent opinions.
4: Is the configuration fairly straight forward? I get the impression that there
is a lot of GUI configuring tools for E. Are they easy to find and use?
5: Would this be an easier WM for my daughter? I'd like to provide her with as
much access as possible to encourage her to learn how to explore the PC and make
the most of it.
6: I've looked at KDE and GNOME, but right now GNOME seems a little TOO new for
my liking, and I've heard many complaints that KDE is somewhat bloated. As a
newbie, I'm just not ready to tackle these yet. How would you rate E in relation
to these?
7: At the moment, my daughter's PC is limited to 8 bit colour. Can E be
configured to reduce any problems this causes? Right now, with fvwm95, if I open
one app with lots of colours, than another one, the second complains there are
not enough colours left and the screen keep switching different colours as the
two app's borrow from each other. Is there some way to make the apps use the
same colours?

I've still got lots of other configurations to figure out, but I'm getting
there. Mostly thanks to the great help I get from this and other lists. Thanks
for your time and opinions.


     John Gay

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