(I reformatted this to use 76 chars.. if you are in an xterm, I suggest you
check to make sure it is 80 columns wide -- if using netscape or similar,
please make the window smaller. :)

On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 05:18:39AM +0100, John Gay wrote:
> E's website, but I take anything with a grain of salt. I'm interested in
> trying E, and was just looking for any experiences, good and bad with E. I
> was also hoping this would provide a simpler GUI for my ten year old

I have never gotten E to work -- but that was with other distributions, I
haven't tried debian's E yet. I think it would work much nicer under debian
than the others, else it would never make it into stable. :)

As for ease of use .. it doesn't seem nearly as easy as kwm under kde.
*That* is pretty simple, as well as similar enough to windows so that your
doughter will only feel revolted using windows, not completely clueless. :)

However, kids being what they are these days, I do imagine E will give her
no troubles, and she will probably soon be teaching you how to use it more
efficiently. :)

> these yet. How would you rate E in relation to these?  7: At the moment,
> my daughter's PC is limited to 8 bit colour. Can E be configured to reduce
> any problems this causes? Right now, with fvwm95, if I open one app with
> lots of colours, than another one, the second complains there are not
> enough colours left and the screen keep switching different colours as the
> two app's borrow from each other. Is there some way to make the apps use
> the same colours?

As for the color-depth problem... the window manager does not have any say
in what colors applications can use. E will probably make the situation
WORSE since to look good it requires many colors -- and you haven't athat
many to go around. If it runs high resolution, you can drop the resolution
down to get more colors, or (if your card just won't do it..) get a new
video card. Checking your local .forsale newsgroup might find someone who
wants to part with their video card to upgrade.. If her machine has an AGP
slot, it wouldn't be too hard to find a nicer new video card for cheap -- if
it is PCI, used might be the way to go.. and if it is ISA-only system, maybe
someone out there can help.. :)

If the machine is a bit on the slow side, E might not be such a good idea
either -- I have heard it takes many CPU cycles to remain happy.

If this is the case, you may want to check out blackbox. (I think it is
blackbox.fwiw.com -- themes.org has a section devoted to it..) blackbox runs
quick, very little resources are needed, and it is still intuitive. You do
give up icons, but .. not that big a loss if the video card doesn't have
enough memory for higher resolutions.

HTH :)

Seth Arnold | ICQ 3172483 | http://cswww.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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