This basically reprises a message sent on 1999-11-07 at 06:10:18 +0000,
Subject: Cannot chown /dev/pts/0 to 0,0; likewise for /dev/ptyxx,
which received no response.

On starting xinit, the xterm it brings up only displays characters
as solid blocks of color the foreground color.

When the xterm is exited,
the normal X server status messages are visible on the virtual terminal
from which the xinit was launched, followed by these lines:

   Cannot chown /dev/pts/0 to 0,0: No such file or directory
   Cannot chown /dev/ptyxx to 0,0: No such file or directory

   waiting for X server to shut down 

On the other hand, when xdm is started,
lines in the xconsole which extend all the way to its right hand side
display legibly in the correct font,
while the remaining lines which stop before the right edge
have their "characters" displayed as solid blocks.
Likewise, the login display shows only solid blocks for its characters.

Please see the original message for configuration details;
but these problems have persisted without change from X 3.3.5-1 to 3.3.5-2.


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