Jon wrote, and I found it in the Digest...:
> Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 09:00:02 -0600
> From: Jon Pennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [OT] Free Web Hosting w/PHP4
> Does anyone know if such a service exists?  I'm looking for 3-5M of
> storage on an Apache server with PHP4, but no SQL database access.  I
> just have a few flat files that the PHP scripts read from/write to.

I know a dutch company called that does free (with really
really small uncommercial banner) webhosting with PHP and Apache support

You even get the domainname for free... saves you the internic costs...
Their site is in dutch... but I think you will manage...

5 Mb diskspace, 1 e-mail, 500Mb traffic per month limit.

There are probably others...

Mark Janssen                     Unix Consultant @ SyConOS IT
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
http: and markjanssen.[com|net|org|nl]
Fax/VoiceMail: +31 20 8757555     Finger for GPG and GeekCode

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