I am want to resize all of my partitions, and from what I have read, parted
is a way to do it. I originally tried the version in potato, but it didn't
yet do what it needs to for my first step: reducing the FAT16 partition by
about 900M. So I upgraded to the woody version and now I get this:

icosagon:~# parted
bash: /usr/sbin/parted: No such file or directory
icosagon:~# whereis parted
parted: /sbin/parted /usr/share/man/man8/parted.8.gz
icosagon:~# cd /sbin
icosagon:/sbin# parted
bash: /usr/sbin/parted: No such file or directory
icosagon:/sbin# ./parted
invalidate: busy buffer
[many lines of "invalidate: busy buffer"]
(parted) quit
[14 more lines of "invalidate: busy buffer"]

With all this "invalidate: busy buffer" stuff, is it safe to use (beyond the
normal risks involved in playing with partitions)? And if it isn't, then
what should I use instead?

Thanks for any help,


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