Matthias Wieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 13. Januar 2002 03:29 schrieb Seneca Cunningham:
> > I am want to resize all of my partitions, and from what I have read,
> > is a way to do it. I originally tried the version in potato, but it
> > yet do what it needs to for my first step: reducing the FAT16 partition
> > about 900M. So I upgraded to the woody version and now I get this:
> >

> > icosagon:/sbin# ./parted
> > invalidate: busy buffer
> > [many lines of "invalidate: busy buffer"]
> > (parted) quit
> > [14 more lines of "invalidate: busy buffer"]
> > icosagon:/sbin#
> >
> Can you give a better discription of your system and what you have

The system's processor is an old pentium 100, it has 16M memory. I have a
2gig harddrive, that is split down the middle. Since noone has told me to
re-install windows on my debian system, I want to free up 900M for my use,
leaving 100M for what little DOS stuff I use. My debian installation is part
potato, part woody. The kernel is a custom compilation of 2.4.16. Although X
is installed, I don't use it. I haven't been able get it work since I
upgraded to X4 (display problems).

> Do you have used parted with root-user or not?

I use parted logged in as root.

> did you updatedb run some time (that is why it probably was trying to find
> parted at an other place ....

Oops... no. I have now.

> parted worked for me on unstable.

I might try that later.

Thanks for any help,


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