In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Paul Mackinney  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Wichert Akkerman declaimed:
>> Previously Caleb Shay wrote:
>> > I second this.  For example, at the bottom of /etc/vim/vimrc there are
>> > several lines commented out "as they cause vim to behave a lot different
>> > from regular vi".  However, as was pointed out below, vim is NOT the
>> > default vi when you install, so why not enable some more of it's better
>> > features.
>> Because I'm not willing to for several reasons:
>> 1. every time I enable a feature that makes vim a bit more unlike vi
>>    I get multiple bugreports
>> 2. vim is very well documented, if people want to try any of its
>>    features they can trivially enable them themselves
>> 3. which features you want enabled is a very personal choice, one that I
>>    am not willing to make for users. So I'll always pick the choice
>>    that makes vim more like stock vi. This keeps things consistent
>>    and prevents endless debates.
>I don't at all mind having a vimrc file with lines commented out that
>the user can enable. Note that this is the strategy for bash.

How about turning off all non-standard-vi features by default
such as "autoindent" and the especially annoying "filetype plugin on"
and surrounding all vim-features with

if v:progname != "vi"
        s00perd00per vim/gvim options

I did this on my workstation, if I call vim as "vi" I get the
bog-standard "vi", if I call it as "vim" I get color, syntax higlighting,
autoindent, "filetype plugin on", viminfo, showcmd, autowrite, etc etc

IMO this is the right solution


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