
On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 12:09:10PM +0000, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> How about turning off all non-standard-vi features by default
> such as "autoindent" and the especially annoying "filetype plugin on"
> and surrounding all vim-features with
> if v:progname != "vi"
>       s00perd00per vim/gvim options
> endif

Bad idea, i don't like typing m after vi to get the editor.

> I did this on my workstation, if I call vim as "vi" I get the
> bog-standard "vi", if I call it as "vim" I get color, syntax higlighting,
> autoindent, "filetype plugin on", viminfo, showcmd, autowrite, etc etc

Maybe we could make 2 or more different example configurations, and put
them into /usr/doc/vim.

May the source be with you!

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