>>"David" == David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 synthespian> For one thing, it would be good to know what the users
 synthespian> think. Sure,

 >> If you say so. I am not sure I personally have much interest
 >> in the matter.

 David> For someone who claims to not have much interest in what "the
 David> users" think, you sure spend a lot of your $250/hour time
 David> correcting the ones with The Wrong Thoughts. ;-)

        I am not sure what, i the message you quoted, is to be deemed
 enforcing RightThink. However, I do monitor this list, in case there
 are questions about my packages, and to pick up hints on how to
 improve the packages that I maintain. The RightThink enforcement is a
 pleasant side effect, and earns extra hours of black helicopter time.

 "Be *excellent* to each other." Bill, or Ted, in Bill and Ted's
 Excellent Adventure
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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