On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 09:54:46PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
| On Wed, 2002-06-05 at 16:17, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| > What!?  PPC takes priority!?  I thought you didn't want to support
| > obscure architectures!
| I think this whole which architecture takes priority is silly.

It is.

| As a correction only, I'd like to point out that 10-15% of desktop
| computers sold yearly are Macs with PowerPC's.  PowerPC is also used
| extensivly as an embedded chip due to low power draw. It is also
| used in high-end servers.
| Sourceforge, for example, has a RS/6000 running Debian 2.2. 

I don't know a whole lot about PPC, but M68K is much better designed
that x86.  I imagine Motorola kept that quality in PPC.  I wonder how
PPC compares to SPARC ... cost is usually the biggest factor in
purchasing decisions, though.  I got a taste of the x86 design during
my Intro to Asm (m68k) class.  Ugh.  Still, I run x86 ...

My intent was merely to play a sort of devil's advocate and discredit
the "priority arch" idea (only semi-subtley).



Misfortune pursues the sinner,
but prosperity is the reward for the righteous.
        Proverbs 13:21
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