
> OK. Now I have 3 machines that are setup identically. The vsftpd.conf
> files have the following settings:
>      Listen=YES
>      #Listen_IPV6
>      Anonymous=YES
>      #Local_enabled=YES
>      #Write_enabled=YES

Setting Local_enabled=YES will allow you to log in.
The configuration above allows only anonymous retrieval.
It won't allow you to log in or to put a file.

> One of the machines starts fine with 'service vsftpd start' .

That's the machine running ftp as a standalone daemon.

> The other two don't.

They are running the daemon via inetd.  The daemon process will
exist only briefly when demanded.

> When I try to start with /usr/sbin/vsftpd, the good machine hangs up.
> The other two come back with:
>      500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket

The conventional way to start the standalone daemon is
"/etc/init.d/vsftpd start"; but as you found, this won't
work when the port is already allocated for ftp usage via inetd.

> I've checked all the file permissions and everything else I can think of
> and have found nothing different between the systems. Two of the systems
> are exact down to the hardware.

Yes, everything is working just as it should.

> If I ftp the good machine from one of the others I get:
>      Connected to xxxxxxxx.home.
> 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
> Name (xxxxxxxx:root): gary
> 530 This FTP server is anonymous only.
> Login failed.
> ftp>

That is because the default configuration is "Local_enabled=NO".
Login is not allowed.  The terminology is poor and "Login_enabled"
would seem better to me.  In any case, "Local_enabled" means that
the ftp daemon should refer to the local /etc/passwd for
authentication.  This what you want.

> I am about to throw in the towel on this unless someone can come up with
> an answer. Very frunstrated.

I mentioned inetd in the previous reply.  Reading this is advisable.

From: Sven Hoexter <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:49:46 +0100
> There are at least two options. ;)

> 1) Stop inetd all together if you don't run any services through
> inetd (or xinetd).

To what purpose?  There is no harm in letting inetd run vsftpd.

> 2) Or just edit /etc/inetd.conf (or a file in /etc/xinet.d/ if you
> run xinetd) to let it not listen on port 21.

If standalone ftp is preferred.  For most small scale usage,
ftp under inetd will be more efficient.  The system has other
work besides standing by for an FTP connection.

Regards,        ... Peter E.

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