I have installed Tor on Debian 7 but couldn't use it. Viladia is showing the following errors: /*[Warning] Could not bind to Cannot assign requested address*//* *//*[Warning] /var/run/tor is not owned by this user (tranjeeshan, 1000) but by debian-tor (115). Perhaps you are running Tor as the wrong user?*//* *//*[Warning] Before Tor can create a control socket in "/var/run/tor/control", the directory "/var/run/tor" needs to exist, and to be accessible only by the user account that is running Tor. (On some Unix systems, anybody who can list a socket can connect to it, so Tor is being careful.)*//* *//*[Warning] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.*/

Now how can I make Tor work?
Thanking you,

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