Am 19.08.2014 23:11, schrieb Joe:

> Again, this seems to confirm that nobody is invoked to do a particular
> job and then not logged out for some reason. This seems to be the area,
> when PID 2593 appears. As all entries show the same time, I assume logs
> are interleaved and this may not be the actual order of entries. The
> session on PID 2592 is explicitly closed, successfully, but not 2593.

As I wrote in my first email, I suspect this is a cron job which runs as
the nobody user.

Have you tried grep nobody /etc/cron* -R

This e.g. turns up

/etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest:     su -s /bin/sh -c
"/usr/sbin/popularity-contest" nobody

here. You might check the dates of the /var/log/popularity-contest*
files, if they match with the session starts you get in your journal.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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