On Sunday 17 January 2016 01:11:04 Gene Heskett wrote:
> FWIW I just reinstalled apt and all its kinfolks, no change, so I
> installed adept, which didn't work, stuck in refresh forever, except it
> wasn't, the file menu was still active, but several attempts to manage
> the repos were ignored, and when I gave it up and click on quit, I got a
> crash report so I filed it.
> And apt-check, except for adept, throws that spam in the messages log
> when any of the other package managers runs it. I doesn't appear to be
> effecting things, and I haven't a clue where to look after coming up dry
> except for the apt file in /etc/cron.daily.

I tried really hard to understand what you were trying to do and how you were 
trying to do it, with a view to trying to help.  I failed miserably.  Why are 
you re-installing "apt and all its kinfolks", and what are "all its 

I understand that you are running what you are running for a reason.  But you 
keep pretending that it ought to run smoothly like a nice new vanilla system.  
Of course it won't.  And it is the fault of neither Debian nor TDE that you 
have special needs.  Oh, there is no reason why you shouldn't ask for those 
needs to be met, but you cannot call things broken, if either you don't like 
them, or they don't like your very idiosyncratic system.


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