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On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 03:36:58PM +0200, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:


> I don't understand why  "init.d/networking restart is deprecated" is
> scaring off people? It is a matter of fact! Reading the results will
> give all answers a user want.

No, *you* are scaring off people :-)

> Well, you must be sure that all interfaces in your system get their
> assigned names. To make sure they will, you have to define udev
> rules, probably by hand if not done by udev itself ( i.e.
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules).

...you gotta know what you're doing, obviously.


> > In my opinion, a warning is in order ("this might not be doing
> > what you think it does"), but deprecated seems exaggerated to me.
> On modern systems running systemd (and in some circumstances
> sysvinit sytems as well) you may get unwanted if names. So
> users have to keep their eyes on what is deprecated (which may be
> valid only for future updates) and can be obtained on legacy
> installations as well. Just FYI:
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/

 - my system is modern and is not running systemd
 - I never get unwanted names. I know I might get some
   and I know how to cope with that when it comes up

> So rely on the kernel in naming network interfaces is nothing else
> as a guess.

WorksForMe (TM)

> Sigh

- -- tomás
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