On Tuesday 17 May 2016 09:08:55 to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 02:16:32PM +0200, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> [...]
> > Ask your search engine: "init.d/networking restart is deprecated"
> I don't know about yours, but *my* /etc/init.d/networking is alive
> and healthy! More to the point, it's so useful to me that I'd rewrite
> it, should it fall off Debian.
> Instead of scaring off people by some strange warning picked out of
> the huge echo chamber of the Intertubesi [1], how about doing some
> real research and explain to people what's up?
> /etc/init.d/networking will bring your system to its default state
> (like after a reboot). Thus, the interfaces marked with "auto" in
> /etc/network/interfaces will be up, all others, down.
> Anything you changed manually since boot (e.g. by issuing an
> explicit "sudo ifup eth0", same for an ifdown) will be gone.
> This could be, depending on circumstances, somewhat unexpected,
> unwanted, or totally intended.
> In my opinion, a warning is in order ("this might not be doing
> what you think it does"), but deprecated seems exaggerated to me.
> regards
> [1] Schocking Truth! Not everything seen on the Internet is true!
> -- tomás

About 4th or 5th down in that list of hits, this one labeled for debian, 
is a bit long winded  but finishes up recommending one edit his 
personal .bash-aliases file to contain this:

alias netrestart="sudo nohup sh -c 'invoke-rc.d networking stop; date; 
echo sleeping; sleep 2; echo waking; date; invoke-rc.d networking 

Is that simple?  Elegant and correct?  No, if the networking script was 
broken, its still broken!

Note that it uses seems to use the same exact script in init.d so the net 
result should be the same but its being run by invoke-rc.d instead of 
service.  Which means that if the networking script is broken, it is 

Elegant and correcting a bug in the networking script?  I have a bridge, 
currently in Sun City AZ I'd like to sell to whoever dreamed this up.

Surely, we can do better than that.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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