On Seg, 06 Jun 2016, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Monday 06 June 2016 09:12:46 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
On Dom, 05 Jun 2016, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 05 June 2016 05:59:14 Curt wrote:
>> All I can find as a "pis aller" after a quick look is this:
>> http://wiki.librecad.org/index.php/LibreCAD_users_Manual
> This I did find, but its for a much newer version 2.0 than what is
> in the repo's.  That repo version is 1.02 according the about, built
> in 2012. So one could say they are a tad out of step. And I don't
> really see any great amount of progress in bringing the repo version
> up to the docs version.

Jessie, the current stable version, has version 2.0.4. Testing has
2.0.9. You seem to be running Wheezy; don't expect a newer version.
For that matter, even Jessie is unlikely to get newer versions (with
the exception of security fixes).

So the bottom line is that wheezy doesn't have a decent CAD program, and
never will.

I suppose that when it was released, little over three years ago, it had a then decent CAD program.

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