
I would like to set the maximum number of open descriptors for a
specific process in a way that is maintainable.

I've tried putting something like this in /etc/security/limits.d/:

jvb    soft    nofile   10240
jvb    hard    nofile   10240

But this seems to only apply to processes with an active shell in the

root@conference:~# cat /etc/security/limits.d/jitsi-meet.conf
jvb     soft    nofile  10240
jvb     hard    nofile  10240
root@conference:~# ps -u jvb | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'
root@conference:~# cat /proc/434/limits | grep open
Max open files            4096                 4096                 files
root@conference:~# su - jvb
jvb@conference:~$ ulimit -n

Maybe I could add something to the startup script, but maybe if the
Debian package is updated, these changes will be lost. What do you
suggest is the best way?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

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