Hi, Greg.

On 08/02/17 10:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

>> The process starts as a service, so it does not require a shell:

>> I had thought that I could add something to the script that starts the
>> process, but I'm not sure if it's the best idea from the point of view
>> of maintainability because a package update could eliminate that change.

> I believe the correct approach is to add one of the limitXXXX= directives
> to the systemd unit.  See systemd.exec(5) for details.  Searching for
> the word "limit" gets you to the correct section.

Very interesting. Thanks for the reference! I see that in this case the
directive to use is LimitNOFILE=<something>. Although I did not find the
syntax (for example, LimitNOFILE=soft:hard).

In this case, it seems that the service file for systemd is created
dynamically. Or I'm wrong?

root@conference:~# find / -name jitsi-videobridge.service

Thanks for your reply.

Kind regards,

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