On 2017-04-23, Frank de Bruijn <frank.de.bru...@ziggo.nl> wrote:

> I usually look in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, but the plugin file there 
> may actually be a symlink pointing to something in /etc/alternatives, 
> which in turn will probably point to some other item somewhere in 
> /usr/lib...

To cover all the bases, I have it in


The mozilla help site says to put it in



It might search there first and then in the user's home directory, or

It's working now; I could rename the files one by one, or two by two,
leaving only one libflashplayer.so, and see at which point I broke my
flash, if Gene's really interested in knowing what no one knows, which
is a pretty big affair if you ask me.

> Regards,
> Frank

"It might be a vision--of a shell, of a wheelbarrow, of a fairy kingdom on the
far side of the hedge; or it might be the glory of speed; no one knew." --Mrs.
Ramsay, speculating on why her little daughter might be dashing about, in "To
the Lighthouse," by Virginia Woolf.

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