Hi, David.

On 24/05/17 21:22, David Wright wrote:

>>>> Yes, as I mentioned in another message in this thread, I have already
>>>> contacted the supplier to go asking for availability and prices.

>>> I'll cross my fingers for you. Please do likewise as these are
>>> the figures from one of my laptops:
>>> Charger in:
>>> Charger out:
>>> IOW my baseline after 8 years is about 20% capacity.

>> Sorry for my delay in responding.
>> I'll cross my fingers for you, David. How did your laptop battery continue?

> Nowadays this battery merely acts like an UPS because the laptop
> has to be plumbed in to a monitor to be usable (or else used over
> ssh). As reported earlier, there's a fault in the screen circuitry
> which means it's not really a portable anymore.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/04/msg00533.html

Ah, I see..

>> Just yesterday I took my notebook to the provider to test with a new
>> battery. He said that today he will be contacting me to let me know the
>> result of the test.
>> I'll let you know when I have news. Something I can add since my last
>> update to the mailing list is that the battery charge level with the
>> charger connected was gradually falling. At the time I took it to the
>> provider I had 18%.

> It would certainly be interesting to see the numbers from a new
> battery if you buy one. I've never owned a laptop (or any other
> computer, for that matter) from new.

Today the supplier sent me an email telling me that they tested with the
new battery, and it operates perfectly. They left the new battery
without power connected, and it operated with correct autonomy. They
checked the battery's power levels from the terminal and it reached the
maximum load limit correctly and then it was decreasing normally.

When you talk about "the numbers", do you mean to see by the console the
values that are obtained for both batteries (voltage, for example) to
make a comparison?

Kind regards,

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