On 26-05-17, Fungi4All wrote:
> From: jode...@gmail.com
> As for reason why old one is not removed, it is because Debian keeps not
> just newly installed kernel, but also one previously installed. One
> before that was removed by apt-get autoremove.
> Unless different desktops have different autoremove behavior in my recent
> experience kernels can only be removed manually. If you get a current
> today's image of 8.8 and update/upgrade, then switch to testing and upd/upg,
> then unstable and upd/upg and autoremove as many times as you like,
> you will end up with 3 kernels as a choice to boot unstable from.
> I think in the past it did not work this way.

Please, do not replay to me and cc it to the list, you mess things up.
No need to cc me either, I'm subscribed to the list. Thank you in
advance for that.

As for subject itself, no, it is not desktop related. For your specific
case of upgrading from stable to unstable via testing, have no idea,
never did it that way. 

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