On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Fungi4All <> wrote:
>>> From:
>>> To: Gene Heskett <>,
>>> [ important stuff, check the archives]
>>> Cheers, Gene Heskett
>> I thought I put this to bed, but apparently not.   <snip ... snip>
> You thought well because if we are clarifying the description
> of reality we can not utilize the grocery store logic of choice. Either
> one final thought convinces everyone that it is correct or there
> still is room for discussion.

... or we decide we are tired of discussion, which sometimes is not a
good thing.

> I have no beef with nvidia in specific,
> they are just as bad as any for-profit organization, so it is not
> specific.
>> I"ve stated my case. Let"s drop it here!

You have a lousy attitude. You get to air your armpits, but no one
who disagrees with you does.

> But this is the problem, you can not be one sided in having
> the authority to end a conversation.  If Nvidia one day decides
> it is not profiting from their little monopoly and decides to
> fold its gc production and r&d, they have the "legal right" to
> destroy all knowledge produced and owned by them.  The
> work and findings of hundreds of people developing nvidia
> products is in the hands of one entity (stock-holders).
> The state gives them the right to conduct this atrocity of
> destroying knowledge and deny society access to it, even
> when it has no value for them anymore.

This is another aspect of "closed source" gratis technology that is
often swept under the rug.

It used to be, for instance, that a TV in the US had a full diagram
of working parts in the back case, so that the TV could still be
fixed even if the manufacturer suddenly wiped their books and

> I believe society has the right to criticize this mutual practice
> by state and owner of knowledge.  Any industry is a school for
> society and it exists due to lack of alternatives for society.
> This is what we are talking about, I think.  Internalizing the
> logic of the capitalist and its puppet the state, the logic of
> market, into our conversation as "logical" is a product of
> propaganda and demagogues of the media and other
> "institutions".  A society must be able to survive having
> alternatives past capitalism.
> [...]

Again, just for the record, politics itself may be off topic, but we
have to give each other a little leeway where politics intersects
with the license which allows us to cooperate peacefully in this

Joel Rees

One of these days I'll get someone to pay me
to design a language that combines the best of Forth and C.
Then I'll be able to leap wide instruction sets with a single #ifdef,
run faster than a speeding infinite loop with a #define,
and stop all integer size bugs with my bare cast.

More of my delusions:

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