On 13/12/17 15:40, Curt wrote:
> On 2017-12-13, Tony van der Hoff <li...@vanderhoff.org> wrote:
>> It seems the unison developers are a little careless with compatibility
>> issues. This situation has arisen previously, then overcome by unison-all.
>> Thanks for your suggestion of syncthing; I'll give that a go...
> Sorry for butting in once again, but you do have unison-all installed,
> the metapackage which allows specifically for the -addversionno "kludge" by
> bringing in versions 2.32 and 2.40 as per the following post curiously
> similar to your case (two machines, one with Debian Jessie and one with
> Debian Stretch)
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/233504/how-to-use-multiple-versions-of-unison-on-one-system
> and then working around the eventual minor version number truncation
> bug, if indeed it still exists, as per my previous cryptic message.
Yes, thanks Curt. I have unison-all installed, and I've seen that post,
and followed the suggestions, without success. Unison-all is simply a
meta-package, which depennds on all available unison versions. Since
stretch only has 6.40 in its repo, it can only pull that one in.

 I'm fed up with trying bodgy work-arounds, which really should not be
required. I have now spent so much time on this issue that I've become
thoroughly disenchanted with Unison (which is great when it works) that
I'm taking my custom elsewhere.

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