On 13/12/17 17:49, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
> On 13/12/17 17:29, Anders Andersson wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Tony van der Hoff <li...@vanderhoff.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 13/12/17 15:40, Curt wrote:
>>>> Sorry for butting in once again, but you do have unison-all installed,
>>>> the metapackage which allows specifically for the -addversionno "kludge" by
>>>> bringing in versions 2.32 and 2.40 as per the following post curiously
>>>> similar to your case (two machines, one with Debian Jessie and one with
>>>> Debian Stretch)
>>>> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/233504/how-to-use-multiple-versions-of-unison-on-one-system
>>>> and then working around the eventual minor version number truncation
>>>> bug, if indeed it still exists, as per my previous cryptic message.
>>>  I'm fed up with trying bodgy work-arounds, which really should not be
>>> required. I have now spent so much time on this issue that I've become
>>> thoroughly disenchanted with Unison (which is great when it works) that
>>> I'm taking my custom elsewhere.
>> Do you have a good alternative? I'm fed up with Unison since a long
>> time, because of such an important tool not handling different
>> versions, and the impracticality of writing it in yet another
>> experimental language requiring its own complete little world to build
>> and run.
> As mentioned upthread, "Syncthing" [https://docs.syncthing.net] seems to
> do much the same as Unison, hopefully more sensibly. I'm going to give
> it a try over the next few days, and I'll report back here.
Well, "the next few days" turned out to be a drawn-out frustrating
struggle, with no benefit.

Syncthing appears to be an extremely powerful file synchronization tool,
with an emphasis on security, which in theory would make it an excellent
replacement for unison. However, after many days struggling wit its
configuration through two firewalls and a NAT router, trying to
synchronize 3 systems, with more to add, I've given up. The machines
appear to connect, and some meta-data is transferred, but no data
transfers take place.

I've decided to give up on Syncthing, and revert to Unison, which means
upgrading my server, but hey, what are holidays for?

Cheers, Tony

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