On Sun 16 Sep 2018 at 20:15:16 (+0000), Glenn English wrote:
> Thanks to the answers and suggestions to my plea, I may have figured
> out what's happening with SyncTeX scribbling on my monitor.
> It was suggested that 'texlive-extra-utils' is where synctex comes
> from, but that's not installed here. So more than one package must
> bring it in as a dependency or something.

Not running a DE myself, I would think that it's likely caused by
some script that gets installed as part of your DE rather than a
dependency. I'm assuming that that's what DEs do.

> Here, I'm pretty sure, it's Evince.
> I have a Python script running that tells me every hour to get up from
> the keyboard and get a little exercise. That script runs Evince to
> display pdfs of the notices. When I kill the script, the garbage no
> longer appears. And other Python scripts don't do that stuff.
> The problem now is that those notices are good for me. I've looked for
> other pdf viewers, but there's nothing in the repositories anywhere as
> nice as Evince for taking up the entire screen and enlarging a pdf.
> Anybody know of a civilized, bug-free pdf viewer? (will display full
> screen with no or thin borders, allows for manipulating size and
> position)

I don't know about bug-free but I find xpdf works well. Because I use
it as a viewer, not just for settling in for a reading session, I must
have keystroke control rather than the mouse. I add a few things to
the configuration, like:

# Add some closer-spaced zoom factors
bind 0 any zoomPercent(100)
bind 1 any zoomPercent(120)
bind 2 any zoomPercent(150)
bind 3 any zoomPercent(200)
bind 4 any zoomPercent(400)
bind 5 any zoomPercent(600)
bind 6 any zoomPercent(800)
bind 7 any zoomPercent(1200)
bind 8 any zoomPercent(1600)
bind 9 any zoomPercent(2000)

# Avoid tabbing around the buttons because it doesn't help
# (pressing return doesn't enact the selected button).
# Even when redefined to foo, it carries out its default
# action after doing foo. So redefine as quit, since I
# usually press tab accidentally when trying to quit.
bind tab any quit

The keystroke commands never worked in jessie but they've been fixed
now though, as you can see, I don't like the new TAB binding (which
wasn't in wheezy).

I don't think it's as fast as evince with complex PDFs, perhaps
because its redrawing strategy is not as good.


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