On 9/19/2019, 12:05:39 PM, Fred <f...@blakemfg.com> wrote:
> On 9/19/19 8:40 AM, Default User wrote:
>> We have descended into the new Dark Ages where intellectual discourse, 
>> freedom of speech, and even freedom of thought will not be tolerated.
>> The witch hunts are back.

> Do we have our lying idiot, bag of crap, fake President to thank for 
> making that much worse?

Actually, this situation can be laid plainly at the feet of the lying
idiot, bag of crap fake news Mainstream Media, for spreading lies dis
and mis-information about our duly elected and beloved President, Donald
John Trump.

Donald Trump will go down in history as the greatest President in the
last 100 years, maybe more.

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