On 9/20/2019, 10:02:19 AM, Paul Sutton <zl...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Donald trump promised to bring jobs back to the US, cut regulation.  He
> has done that,  if people judge him on his performance alone he has done
> pretty much what he said he would.  Not many politicians can boast
> that,.  The problem is it is HOW he is done this and, the cost to the
> environment,

What cost to the environment? It is cleaner now than it ever has been
and getting cleaner as we speak.

> international relations, how the US is viewed in the world, trade etc.

All in much better shape now. We are no longer seen as weak pathetic
imbeciles. He has opened the door to finally putting an end to the
Korean War and bringing peace and prosperity to the North Korean people.
We have a leader who did away with the job killing NAFTA and
renegotiated a much better USMCA (if the dems in congress would get off
their duffs and out it to a vote, it would pass handily with bi-partisan
support), the would-be job killing TPP and Paris Agreements (the Paris
accords benefited China and Europe to our detriment), and is soon to win
again with a new trade deal with China.

> The constant trade wars with China may look big at the political
> level, but I think it is the farmers and consumers who get hit
> hardest.
Temporary, not constant - and yes, a hit, maybe (though that is in
doubt, other markets are opening up) - but they understand that it is
temporary, and in the long run will be much much better for them (no
pain no gain) and for the most part are OK with it.

He is the first president in my memory that has actually made every
effort to fulfill all of his campaign promises - and done so in the face
of the most vile, despicable, never ending and highly illegal attacks on
him and his presidency.

As I said, he will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents
in the last 100 years, maybe more.

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