On Saturday, July 31, 2021 4:54 PM I wrote concerning firefox-esr:
> Neither translate.google.com nor images.google.com functions properly.

I have figured out the problem and solved it.

At some point I remembered that I have in place an old-fashioned way of
blocking sites.  In /etc/hosts, I have 68 entries of this sort:       ad.doubleclick.net

that redefine the URL of a pesky site to (localhost).  Given a PC
at work that handles the Google sites well and a home machine that does not,
I compared the two /etc/hosts files.  The home (failing) machine had two
entries that the work (successful) machine did not:       gstatic.com       www.gstatic.com

I had added those in February, which is about when the failures began.  I
found that commenting out the second entry (www.gstatic.com) fixed my
problem, even if I left the first entry (gstatic.com) in place.

I also use a firefox add-on, Forget Me Not.  If I add *.gstatic.com to the
list of blocked sites, the Google sites still work.  This surprises me.  I
guess the /etc/hosts and Forget Me Not strategies must work at different

Anyway, thanks to the three respondents for your replies.

From: Ivan Krylov <krylov.r...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 8:51 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Google sites don't work

> Similar problem here, only with Google sites like Gmail, Docs, and
> Chat (via a[n?] university/Google system).

Interesting. Do you see any relevant errors if you press F12 and take a
look at the JavaScript console on the affected pages, compared to the
unaffected pages? What about the Network tab, any failed requests there?

Best regards,

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