So I'm not certain if I'm in the right spot but I had to start somewhere.

I have a docker container that was working but has suddenly stopped working.
I believe the possible cause was when I added a second drive to my zfs
rpool - the timing was a little too coincidental.

The docker command sequence I'm running is:

RUN wget
-O /tmp/webp/webp.tar.gz
RUN tar -xvf /tmp/webp/webp.tar.gz --directory /tmp/webp/unzipped
RUN mv /tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp
which results in the error:

mv: cannot move '/tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp'
to a subdirectory of itself, '/usr/bin/cwebp'
The command '/bin/sh -c mv
/tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp /usr/bin/cwebp'
returned a non-zero code: 1

So clearly /usr/bin isn't a subdirectory of /tmp/webp so the error must be
There are no symlinks involved.

zfs list reports:
rpool                                              402G   493G       96K  /
rpool/ROOT                                         141G   493G       96K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1                           141G   493G     18.8G  /
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/srv                       208K   493G       96K
*rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/usr                       522M   493G       96K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/usr/local                 522M   493G      515M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var                      36.2G   493G       96K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/games                 208K   493G       96K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/lib                  23.3G   493G     16.8G
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/lib/AccountsService   744K   493G      100K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/lib/NetworkManager   2.64M   493G      236K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/lib/apt               232M   493G     98.8M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/lib/dpkg              327M   493G     74.1M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/log                  2.23G   493G     1002M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/mail                  208K   493G       96K
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/snap                 10.7G   493G     12.8M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/spool                8.26M   493G     2.36M
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_c520d1/var/www                   300K   493G      108K
*rpool/USERDATA                                     251G   493G       96K
rpool/USERDATA/bsutton_b4334o                      250G   493G     68.9G
rpool/USERDATA/root_b4334o                         854M   493G      845M
rpool/var                                         9.39G   493G       96K
rpool/var/lib                                     9.39G   493G       96K
*rpool/var/lib/docker                              9.39G   493G     9.39G

Of course these paths shouldn't be relevant as all of the paths in the
docker container should be inside a docker volume all mounted under

The reason I'm here is because of this bug:

When I run 'info coreutils' it reports :

This manual documents version 8.32 of the GNU core utilities, including
>From my reading of the bug 8.32 should have a fix for the mv bug.

Now this could well be a bug in docker as it has a somewhat dubious history
of working with zfs but the symptom I'm encountering seemed to match the
above bug so here I am.

Any help or suggestions where to go would be appreciated.


Step 6/30 : RUN lsb_release -a
 ---> Running in c5120a6be61b
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

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