On 1/28/24 03:44, Brett Sutton wrote:
So I'm not certain if I'm in the right spot but I had to start somewhere.

I have a docker container that was working but has suddenly stopped working.
I believe the possible cause was when I added a second drive to my zfs
rpool - the timing was a little too coincidental.

Please post:

# zpool status rpool

The docker command sequence I'm running is:

RUN wget
-O /tmp/webp/webp.tar.gz
RUN tar -xvf /tmp/webp/webp.tar.gz --directory /tmp/webp/unzipped
RUN mv /tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp
which results in the error:

mv: cannot move '/tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp'
to a subdirectory of itself, '/usr/bin/cwebp'
The command '/bin/sh -c mv
/tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp /usr/bin/cwebp'
returned a non-zero code: 1

What happens if you run the mv(1) command by hand?

# mv /tmp/webp/unzipped/libwebp-1.3.2-linux-x86-64/bin/cwebp /usr/bin/cwebp

The reason I'm here is because of this bug:


Have you implemented and run a test case to determine if your ZFS supports "renameat2 RENAME_NOREPLACE flag"?


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