Kent West wrote:
Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running on X)
and did not have them backed up. I could reinstall them one at a time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

Currently using Linux 2.2.20, Debian Woody

As I no longer subscribe to the list, please cc me with reponses.


You could try tasksel, which would get you quite a bit of it back.

I'd probably use dselect or aptitude, and just go marking things for install that look interesting. Then start the download/install and go strum on the guitar for half an hour (or four days, if you're on dial-up).

Neither of these is reinstallation one at a time, but you will have to mark one at a time to get a lot of what you want.

This is better:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, if you only deleted the files in /usr/X11R6/bin/ (and did
not harm the package archive) this command, will search for and print
the name of every package with a file installed to /usr/X11R6/bin/
(dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/*).  Then take that list and remove everything
after the end of each package name sed ('s/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/'), sort
the package names (sort), remove duplicate entries (uniq), and finally
reinstall all the packages, (sudo apt-get --reinstall install `the
output of the above commands`).

Admittedly, this will take a while to donwload and reinstall all the
packages, but it will ensure that you get all of the packages even if
they are not part of the X Windows System task.



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