Kent West wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:

Sam Rosenfeld wrote:

I erased all my X-related bin files (that is, including apps running on X)
and did not have them backed up. I could reinstall them one at a time but
that seems very laborious -- is there some better way?

sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/* | sed 's/^\([^,]*\):[^,]*/\1/' |sort |uniq`

Essentially, <snip> [this does magic].


Linux is so awesome.

One of the myriad of reasons I will never use M$ Widows again for anything more serious than games. It is a hoy OS after all :-)

BTW, that little bit-o-magic took less than 5 minutes to cook up.

Linux is awesome.


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