On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 03:20:45PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> True, but -- I don't think that either of those subject lines are really
> slanderous.  For instance, the "Why Anthony Towns is wrong" should
> probably have read "Why Anthony Towns' *Argument* is wrong" -- which
> simply uses Anthony's name to identify which argument is being referred
> to.  However, I don't see the difference as being all that significant.

You mean, like "Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software" should probably
have read "Debian's OS Will Remain 100% Free Software"?

The problem with ambiguity is that while some people are certain it
means one thing, other people are certain it means something else.

Being specific tends to help -- especially when offering criticism.
That's why we ask for specific package names and versions on bug reports.


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