Hi all,

I support avoiding the term diversity in the context of this GR for the already 
mentioned good reasons. However, I would consider "alternative init systems" a 
better phrase than "multiple init systems" in this context (if that matters 
from a non-native speaker).


Am 27. November 2019 18:04:49 MEZ schrieb Matthias Klumpp <m...@debian.org>:
>Am Mi., 27. Nov. 2019 um 15:54 Uhr schrieb Simon McVittie
>> On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 at 11:27:13 +0000, Chris Lamb wrote:
>> > May I gently request we replace the use of the word "diversity"
>> > throughout the "init systems and systemd" General Resolution prior
>> > it being subject to a plebiscite?
>> Thank you for raising this, Chris.
>Yes, thank you so much! This has bothered me for a really long time
>and I just never raised it because I thought it would create another
>long thread discussing the term itself, derailing the actually
>important discussion on the subject matter. However, especially in the
>context of a vote, the choice of words and framing drastically changes
>how things are perceived. Especially with a term that has a defined
>meaning already, or at the very least is loaded with other,
>non-technical associations. I don't think using it is neutral, as a
>technical vote proposal should be.
>I may be in favour of diversity in general, but may still prefer the
>technical decision to focus only on one init system. Yet, for some
>reason, I would have to vote against "diversity".
>> I agree. I have been uncomfortable with this in the context of "init
>> diversity" efforts, but I didn't raise it in the past because I
>> articulate clearly why I felt that it was a problem.  Since it's now
>> on-topic, here's my best attempt at that:
>> The diversity team, and wider efforts around diversity in Debian and
>> in software in general, have used "diversity" as a catch-all term for
>> personal characteristics of our contributors and community members
>> discussing inclusion and how we treat people, as a way to avoid
>> to enumerate specific characteristics (which would tend to lead to
>> on those characteristics at the expense of others).
>> If we use the same word in discussions around technical decisions,
>> raises some concerns for me. Jokes about the emacs and vi religions
>> aside, technical preferences are not really the same thing as the
>> characteristics we normally refer to by "diversity". Of course, we
>> should treat the people who hold those preferences with respect, but
>> that isn't the same as considering implementation of their preference
>> to be an ethical imperative for Debian.
>> To take a deliberately slightly absurd example, preferring Gentoo
>> Debian is not an inclusion or diversity issue; we welcome
>> contributions to Debian from people who would prefer to be using
>> (notably some of our upstreams!), but we do not consider it to be an
>> ethical imperative to expand the scope of Debian to encompass
>> Gentoo does.
>> I would hate to see diversity and inclusion of people (the meaning of
>> the word used in the name of the Diversity Team) harmed by creating a
>> perception that the term "diversity" has been devalued by stretching
>> it to encompass technical preferences, because I think diversity and
>> inclusion of people is much too important to let that happen.
>> Conflating diversity of people with diversity of implementation could
>> easily also harm our technical decisions, in either direction:
>> * it could influence technical decisions away from making a choice as
>>   a project, and towards creating infrastructure to make that choice
>>   individual systems, by developers who do not wish to be perceived
>>   be opposing "diversity" in the interpersonal/Diversity Team sense
>>   the word;
>> * conversely, it could influence technical decisions *towards* making
>>   choice as a project, and *away from* making that choice on
>>   systems, by developers who might believe this use of "diversity" is
>>   disingenuous (even if it was not intended as such).
>> The extent to which we make choices project-wide, and the amount of
>> technical cost we are willing to accept to be able to make those
>> onto individual systems, seem like something that we should decide
>> on their merits. Whatever the result of the imminent vote might be,
>> I would like it to be chosen for the right reasons.
>I do not see that using "diversity" as a term in technical discussions
>would devalue the diversity efforts of the teams working on it.
>However, I do think the points where you see it harm discussions are
>very real. If you google "diversity" you can see it is pretty much
>exclusively used in social contexts. By bringing it into technical
>discussions, a neutral discussion suddenly becomes colored with
>emotional opinions and people having to take sides for and against
>diversity, instead of just having opinions about a certain subject
>matter. And even if one disagrees with this assumption, taking that
>risk is just not worth it as there are many other ways to say the same
>thing: Just calling this "support for multiple init systems" is very
>neutral as well as accurate, so would "Init system variety" be.
>    Matthias
>I welcome VSRE emails. See http://vsre.info/

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