Last June I posted a question and got some great replies. Being preoccupied 
with work that actually pays me money, I haven’t done anything yet, but the 
time is getting close. My question now is: what OS?

Our old Imail 2006 runs on Win Server 2000. Would SmarterMail run on Win 7 Pro? 
Would it run on a 64-bit version and would there be any point in using the 
64-bit version? I ask because I’ve actually got a spare system sitting around 
with just that and it has 4 GB of RAM. I’d like to take advantage of all that 

Thanks in advance,


From: IMail Admin
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Time to upgrade and to what?

Thanks, that helped.

From: Todd Richards
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Time to upgrade and to what?

Hey Ben –

If you haven’t already, you can download a trial of SmarterMail to give you a 
hands on feel for how the interface works, from the system administrator to a 
domain administrator to an end user.  I can’t speak to the latest version of 
SmarterMail as we are still running 6.9xx (we have a current subscription but 
never felt the need yet to upgrade – probably will soon), nor can I offer a 
good comparison, since we were still on IMail 8.2x when we made the change.  
There were three main reasons we made the switch:  cost, a much improved web 
interface from our IMail 8.2x version, and the massive number of positive 
recommendations about switching to SM.  Like the others, we have never looked 
back.  We too were on the unlimited version of IMail, but are on a 1000 user 
version of SmarterMail.  That has proved plenty for us at this point.  The nice 
thing is, if we need more then we add them on.

We are heavy users of the Mailing Lists in SmarterMail.  I like the fact that 
we can manage subscribers separate from lists.  Our main domain (the one that I 
am on) currently has almost 70 mailing lists.  It’s great that, via the web 
interface, we can add a single subscriber to multiple lists.  We can also go 
into the individual lists and manage subscribers as well.  You can add your own 
custom fields to the subscriber screens if you want to track Name, City, 
Company Name, etc.  It also has the ability to remove a user from the lists if 
they have a certain number of bounces.  While that feature was nice, we 
actually increased it (maybe even turned it off – can’t remember for sure 
without going and looking) because it would remove someone and nobody ever knew 
about it.  There were requests about maybe alerting the administrator of such a 
change, or disabling a user versus removing them, etc.  I’m just not sure 
whether that part has been upgraded.  Again, we are on SmarterMail 6.9 but I 
don’t think the rest of it has changed that much.

The one thing that I didn’t like about the mailing lists is that we had an ASP 
page with all of the options that people could subscribe to.  At the end, when 
they hit submit, it would fire off an email to IMail and subscribe (or 
unsubscribe) them from all of their choices in one swoop.  SmarterMail didn’t 
handle things that way, and would simply make the change for the first option 
but ignore the rest of them.  We weren’t aware of that at first and had people 
think they were making changes but they really weren’t.  SmarterMail does offer 
the ability to tie web pages to the mail server using SOAP, etc.  But I don’t 
know it and haven’t had the time to make the changeover.


From: Imail Admin []
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Time to upgrade and to what?

I guess my three areas on concern would be how IM and SM compare in their web 
mail interface, how they compare in administration, and how they compare in 
list server.  We make pretty modest use of the IM list server (which is pretty 
primitive), but I would hate to give it up altogether.

Thanks for any comments,


  ----- Original Message -----

  From: Heimir Eidskrem


  Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 1:41 PM

  Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Time to upgrade and to what?

  We dumped Imail after being with them since version 4 I think.
  Moved to Smartermail and never looked back.

  Our customers really like SM and we have nothing but positive feedback.

  the transition was easy with the migration tools from SM.

  I would do it again with no hesitation.

  On 6/1/2011 9:09 PM, Imail Admin wrote:

  I've been musing over whether it's time to upgrade or replace my mail 
system.  I've got IMail (unlimited users) v 2006.23 on an old server runing 
Win2k Advanced Server with Declude v.?? (not current, whatever it is).  On the 
one hand, I only have a small number of domains and mail boxes any more and on 
the other hand, my old server is looking pretty long in the tooth.


  I started out looking at boxes to build a new server, but they're not that 
expensive any more.  Then I got caughter up in the software.  Ipswitch wants 
$2300 or some such for a software upgrade (unlimited users).  That's way more 
than I can justify spending.  I don't really need unlimited users any more, 
but I hate to give it up.  On the other hand, I recall a few years ago when 
people were switching en masse to SmaterMail so I looked at them and their 
prices are a lot nice.  Anyone care to say how the current versions of either 
software compared with my old IMail?


  I assume that I'll have to upgrade to the current version of Declude, but 
otherwise that will work the same as before?


  Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.






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