Now I am pissed off.  I finally just got the license to Innoculan and you already 
upgraded your product.  Can you slow down a little man?  I operate on slow to stop.  
(Just Kidding)  I am trying to add a second virus scanner in and don't see 
instructions in your online manual.  The scanner is Innoculan and is not as formatted 
in the instructions.  So I changed the line from

SCANFILE  C:\Scanner\inocucmd.exe

SCANFILE  C:\Inoculan\inoculan.exe

And I am getting repeated timeouts on delivering mail as such in the log

12/18/2001 15:04:23 Qa113208 ERROR: Virus scanner didn't finish after 50 seconds; 
12/18/2001 15:04:23 Qa113208 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 1 11458]
12/18/2001 15:04:28 Qa14c15a Scanned: Virus Free 
12/18/2001 15:05:15 Qa149172 ERROR: Virus scanner didn't finish after 50 seconds; 
12/18/2001 15:05:15 Qa149172 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 1 2887]
12/18/2001 15:07:40 Qa20c2a6 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 1 2498]
12/18/2001 15:07:40 Qa1da172 ERROR: Virus scanner didn't finish after 50 seconds; 
12/18/2001 15:07:40 Qa1da172 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 2 2283]
12/18/2001 15:09:04 Qa25f2a6 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 1 7189]
12/18/2001 15:09:08 Qa232172 ERROR: Virus scanner didn't finish after 50 seconds; 
12/18/2001 15:09:08 Qa232172 Scanned: Virus Free [MIME: 1 1840]

Now after this gets fixed can you hold off on the updates until I fully understand the 
current release

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[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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