Some of us out here are not command line savvy. I am one.

Thanks to Scott's posting of creating a file to find the from address of
virus infected files, I have created a batch to run scheduled. Amazingly, it

For those like me, here is the batch file for others to use. Please remember
to change the paths to those relevant to your setup.

This creates and e-mails the sorted file, then moves the existing .smd files
to the hold subfolder of virus and clears all files out of the virus folder.

NOTE: If you do not have a hold folder under virus, I would suggest creating
it first, or move it where ever.

The virusfrombody.txt has a single line: Yesterday's virus from report.

@echo off
cd f:\spool\virus
find "Received:" D*.SMD > file1.txt
sort < file1.txt > file2.txt
xcopy *.smd f:\spool\virus\hold
del *.smd
c:\imail\imail1.exe -f c:\batchfiles\virusfrombody.txt -s "Virus From
Report" -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -a f:\spool\virus\file2.txt
del file1.txt
del file2.txt

Now, you could also do this hourly or every 4 hours or what ever.

Question, if done hourly or so, how would you include the time and or date
either in the subject line or in the body?

John Tolmachoff MCSE CSSA
eServices For You

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