On Nov 14, 2005, at 9:00 AM, John Embretsen wrote:

has anyone tried to build the Derby jars based on the (10.1.2
Release Candidate #2) source code archive? (We are supposed to be able
to do this, right?)

A google search led me to a thread in the mailing list archive of Apache
Gump: http://tinyurl.com/742ln.
It seems that Andrew has come across the same build error fairly
recently, and that this is/was a subversion problem.

So, Andrew, any ideas why this error appears when I try to build the
jars based on the code from the source archive?

Yes, there is a problem with svnversion in subversion 1.1.x and earlier that causes an additional carriage return to be appended to directories that are reported as 'exported', even when run with the - n option. The property ${changenumber} which contains the version reported by subversion then contains an additional carriage return, which in turn breaks the manifest file format by setting the top- level Sealed attribute apart from the rest of the top-level attributes as you noted.

I checked in a fix to the trunk so that Gump could continue to run. It's a rather simple patch, which you could apply to the build.xml from the source distribution, attached to the end of this mail.

This problem has been fixed in Subversion 1.2.0 and above. Upgrading to the latest subversion will also remedy the problem. For this reason, I would consider it a non-showstopper for holding up the release, but I will merge the fix over to the 10.1 branch for future releases.


Index: build.xml
--- build.xml   (revision 330289)
+++ build.xml   (revision 330290)
@@ -700,9 +700,13 @@
     <property name="derby.jar.topdir" value="${basedir}/jars"/>
     <mkdir dir="${derby.jar.dir}"/>
     <mkdir dir="${derby.jar.dir}/lists"/>
-     <loadfile srcFile="${basedir}/changenumber.properties"
+    <loadfile srcFile="${basedir}/changenumber.properties"
-               property="changenumber"/>
+               property="changenumber">
+      <filterchain>
+        <striplinebreaks/>
+      </filterchain>
+    </loadfile>
     <condition property="changenumber" value="???">
         <isset property="changenumber"/>

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