On Nov 14, 2005, at 11:52 AM, John Embretsen wrote:

I am using Subversion 1.1.4, but this should not matter in this case, should it? I mean, I guess it is the subversion version of the person doing the release packaging (in this case Kathey, right?) that matters, or am I misunderstanding
something here?

No, it is the version of Subversion of the user running the buildjars target from the source distribution that matters, not the person packaging the release. The manifest is generated by Ant at the time that the buildjars target is run, not when the source distribution is created.

So, in this case, yes, the version of Subversion that you are running is what makes the difference, and if you upgraded your Subversion to 1.2.0 or later, you would be able to run the buildjars target as well as if you had applied the patch that I sent.


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